Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Boys are icky.

Launching Gavin off my shoulders in the pool, he shot up out of the water and said enthusiastically "Did you see my crack?!"

"Uh, no. Sorry." I said, people looking at us oddly.

Launched him again off my shoulders. Pops up out of the water, more enthusiastically, now almost yelling "DID YOU SEE MY CRACK?!"

"What?! NO, I didn't see your crack. I wasn't trying to see your crack." He actually looks disappointed about this.

Thinks to myself "This is crazy! Maybe I didn't understand him. Maybe I'm hearing things. Hmph."

Launched him yet again. "DID YOU SEE MY CRACK THIS TIME?" complete with underwater 6-year-old butt wiggle.

Nope. Read him loud and clear. Freaking weirdo. What is it with boys and butt cracks? Is this a problem with all males or just mine? Does it ever stop? Is there an antidote? Is it catching? Yeesh.