Saturday, March 13, 2010


To answer some of the questions that were posted to my Facebook:

To Johan:

Of course he wants to go! A party's a party fer sure!! Gavin was allowed to send out 5 invitations to his own party and this kid was one of the ones he invited. Plus, there was recently an after-school activities thing and Gavin actually chose gymnastics (mainly because that's what his future wife was doing, but still). Even with the appreciation Gavin has for gymnastics, his 6 year old brain wouldn't (and didn't) pass up the allure of Chuck-E-Cheese. Then again, when giving him his choices for a birthday party, I didn't include any gymnastic centers in the list. Even if I had, I HIGHLY doubt he would have chosen it.

I honestly don't mind taking Gavin to the party nor do I mind contributing to the shelter. I think it is a wonderful idea! I guess I was just rubbed the wrong way about it.

Perhaps this kid went to someone elses birthday at the gymnastics center and really enjoyed it. I'll admit it's possible that I'm misguided.

All things considered though, there will probably be sugar- and gluten-free carrot cake served at the party and they'll give out Whole Foods gift cards instead of goody bags. On the other hand, Gavin will see how good he's got it and my nomination for mom of the year will be assured!

As an aside: did you know that if you accidentally leave the "m" out of gymnastic (because you are typing one handed while you nurse) then it becomes gynastic and that's just terrifying.

To Auntie B (I love that!):

I see your points. I haven't explained to Gavin about the gift thing but I will let you all know what he says about it when I do.

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