Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I'm going to be planning some "featurette" kind of stuff. I have some ideas (goofy though they may be) but what is funny to me is ridiculous to others. Feel free to give me criticism, constructive or otherwise. I can take it!

Some of these "featurettes" (I'm not sure what else to call them) will be weekly, some will be daily, some will be "fly by the seat of my pants" in frequency. I am still nursing an infant after all.

Some of it will be funny, some profound, sometimes a mix of both. Sometimes it will be about life, sometimes the corporate conspiracy, sometimes it will be about my kids, sometimes it may be about someone else's but it won't be just a mommy blog, despite what the name implies (feel free to give me criticism about that too). Do bear with me though - sometimes my kids are the only other humans I converse with in a day but now that we're heading into spring, my honest-to-god soccer-mom transformation will begin so that'll bring a whole new level of lunacy.

But either way, I promise to try and at least make it always interesting.

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